
Q1. What is Media Literacy according to you?

Q2. Which of the following questions should you ask while consuming media?

Q3. Which website would you trust the most for obtaining health-related information?

Q4. Which of the following is not a way to check the credibility of information found online?

Q5. On a scale of 1-10, how aware are you about the political affiliations or financial benefactors of the news outlets that you get your news from?

Q6. On a scale of 1-10, how often do you read beyond the first Google search result and/or cross-check information from multiple sources before accepting a “scientific” claim as the truth?

Q7. Do you use the same password to log in to less secure sites that you may use only once or twice, as you do for your most important accounts?

Q8. Are you aware of the data collected by the social media sites you browse? Do you know that they can deduce your religious and political affiliations through the content you consume, and then serve you targeted ads and propaganda?

Q9. In what way can being media literate allow us to develop well informed opinions?